Friday 10 July 2009



Now, I've been in New Jersey for the past couple of days so I've been dead to the internet world for a bit, but when I did come on long enough to check my facebook I see this lady "Shanel Cooper" all up n' through. Her videos have managed to sweep through almost everyone's facebook and today I was lucky enough to be able to watch a couple of them.
The first thing I'll say is that she's absolutely stunning, her confidence and self assuredness makes her even more beautiful but she's fine full stop. Second thing is is that she's got some of the most real talk I've heard a woman come out with in a long time... her words are absolutely amazing, she's inspiring & managed to relight some of the reasons why I'm working towards the goals I am and the importance of knowing your worth and yourself. She explained that you need to be in check with yourself before you can start makin any kind of checklist about what you want in a man, how you need to fall in love with yourself & how important it is to set goals for yourself and watch them manifest by putting in the hard work. She also seriously stressed the importance of putting in the legwork when you want to change yourself and your destiny.. I weren't slippin but I was getting slightly weary, knowing I had no one to blame but myself but this video reminded me that there is no time for that; checking yourself & prioritising should always be high on your to do list.
She's got it goin on.
