Thursday 4 March 2010

A random word of advice.

To all my ladies out there...
If you ever come across a man who says to you the following lines:

"I don't deserve you" - [NOT "How did I get so lucky", that's different.]
"I don't wanna hurt you/ I'm scared I'll hurt you"
"You're too good for me"

FLEE like you've never FLED in your LIFE.
I'm being serious as hell !! Experience has taught me and I've learned from too many that when a man says that, he genuinely means it and there is a 9 out of 10 chance that by the end of the "love story" your gonna be left crushed. It's either said man is a pathological liar, he's cheating, he has a history of cheating, he doesn't really know himself and needs to get to know himself...I dunno...but it always means something is definitely wrong. He's crying out for something and you need to listen and find out what that something is because there is a deep underlying PROBLEM for you and for him.
Sometimes the man can tell you what that problem is, sometimes he can't in which case he needs to search/check himself, you can help him do so, but I would advise you to do it from the "friend" bench otherwise you'll end up gettin' cut up on the inside and trust me it's not even that time of day.
Sometimes however, the man will also tell you this because he needs you, he needs you to help him sort out his damn self & in such cases whatever it is he needs you to do for him emotionally/mentally you need to do without loosing your peace of mind in the process. 

Being there for somebody...loving them more than you love yourself, it's not an easy job, so if you're just about ready to pass your heart over and you hear those words, hold up the red light & find out the ways in which your honey man needs to fix up.
That is all.



Kimberly said...



wannabewriter said...

Sooooooooooo trueeee...girl so true!