1. I have sickle cell anaemia. This never really was a serious problem for me until I turned 18, life started stressing me out and stuff. There came a point where I was at hospital once a week but I'm slowly learning to manage it. It's painful, it's annoying and I hate the amount of pills I have to pop every day but other than that it doesn't bother me too much. Don't know what it is ? Look it up :o)
2. I love food. I am the definition of an undercover fat fat fatty, the only reason I don't really put on serious weight is because the sickle cell doesn't allow me to. I'll eat anything and I mean aaaaaaaaanything as long as it tastes good, try me. I especially love sweet things like candy, cake etc etc, I won't drink anything unless it tastes sweet [except water, I love water] especially with alcoholic drinks... yuck. I'm sorry I don't understand how people can enjoy the taste of things like vodka and wine and all that hooha.
3. I play 2 instruments, the acoustic guitar and the piano; I only started learning to play the piano last year and the acoustic guitar in January. Very soon the base guitar is going to join up the list.
4. As you've probably read if you're a loyal reader, I love me. I am always going to come before you :o) Don't be shocked, this should be the case for everybody, if you love yourself enough it's harder for idiots to step on you.
5. I'm a believer in Jesus Christ, full blown, so don't be surprised by my random outbursts of my love for him in my posts. I'm not an unreasonable person and I'm very respective of the beliefs of other people, so if you don't trash my beliefs, I'll say nothing on your own unless asked.
6. I'm single and I love it. I'm surprised because last year you couldn't have paid me enough money to say this but it's surprisingly now the truth... I'm very happy with where I am right now and my plans for my life, finding out who I am and taking this journey to become a better me... I don't need anyone to hold my hand along the way just now.
7. I love being outside. I mean, unless I'm practicing or there's stuff I need to be doin' then what am I doing at home ? Long walks and places to go are my thing [ Except it's winter... during the winter you'll NEVVVVVVER catch me outside unless I have to be, it's cold and depressing..allow. ]
8. I've got a very childish personality. I love cartoons, teddy bears bring plenty of excitement and such things. If I saw a spongebob duvet and a well designed one in the same store, I'd probably end up buying the spongebob one.
9. I hate the conceited... but you probably already know this. All I ask is that you have brains and character to back up your good looks, it's not hard is it ?
10. I hate eggs... and fish. Whoever had the idea of eating such things was obviously gassed upon gassed.
11. Man... I love music, but this should be OBVIOUS by now. Music is just...YES.
12. I have confidence issues when it comes to singing. At home, I'll sound fine but when I get outside oooh Lord. I'll get over it though, and when I do I'll let you know :o)
13. I used to keep a diary... I think it's wise for everybody to do so you know, because trust me when you look back oh my goodness the JOKES.
14. I struggle with patience... I mean, if something can be done as quickly as possibly why just not DO IT ? why LONG OUT THE PROCESS ?
15. I've been in love before, it really is a beautiful thing if it's right but my story was just SO wrong.
16. When I was 6 years old I was hit by a car in the face, landed on my leg and broke it. I couldn't walk for like 3 months, couldn't run for 6. It completely re-arranged my face and my teeth and for the longest while I was so insecure because of it. When everything healed over I still had the mentality I had back then... however, now I think I'm quite beautifulized :o)
17. One of my legs is shorter than the other due to said accident, but you will NEVER notice it plus I think it's cool, so shame.
18. I am a GREAT listener... yes I said GREAT. People used to take advantage of this in the past, but being repeatedly taken for an idiot has taught me when and when not to tune out.
19. Writing is my 3rd love next to Music. I write in a very conversational way [the same as when I sing] which may seem a bit weird to other people, but hey.
20. I'm a full blown Nigerian girl. Born and raised in the UK but I'll always scream for Nigeria first before the UK.
21. I love to cook when I'm bothered, however I don't want to be one of those girls that ONLY knows how to cook African food, I want to learn to cook everything from Spanish food to Indian food, I think it'll be great plus it'll give me great variety. So, if anyone's willing to send me a cook book, I'll be more than happy to accept.
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