Saturday, 6 February 2010

The big chop.


I did my BC today. Reason being because I was getting tired of transitioning because I couldn't even do it in an appropriate way, dealing with the relaxed middle/front and the regrowth on the sides/back was hard work.
So I chopped it all, I'm not exactly at my TWA stage yet but I'll get there.
The middle still has some straight ends due to the creamy crack but they'll grow out in no time and I'll just take them off with the next trim.
Do I like it ? Yes I do. I've gotten a lot of positive feedback and better yet this means a good 20 minutes is cut off from my getting ready time... good times ahead.

Day I did my BC: Saturday 6th Feb '10

Let's see where I am in a year :o)



Drea said...


Shadé said...

L*ve it!

ShardayINWonderland said...

Wow!! So brave!! luv it!!

Unknown said...

Hey.. you went my college!!
The cut REALLY suits you xx..

Anonymous said...

You look so beautiful, afro hair is the most beautiful hair! Good luck on your hair journey!x

Anonymous said...

lol rah.

I don't like it...

I'll probably like it when it reaches afro stage though.

I have a thing for black chicks and nice looking afros.

Anonymous said...

Lovely :-)