Morning all, I'm up extra early to finish my coursework...I should've been up earlier [ 5:00am actually ] but I couldn't do it, I couldn't bring myself to wake up at that ridiculous time especially since I fell asleep at 1:00am...so now I'm up at 8:00am & i'm feeling weird...I'm not used to it...waking up earlier than necessary is not the one :o(
Anyway. I thought I'd write a blog quickly before I get started on my work [ or do anything else for that matter ] about patience which is something I've noticed I'm severely lacking, it seems that the time you need it most is when it becomes the most annoying factor in your life ; to have to wait...and wait...and wait...while sometimes not even knowing what exactly you're waiting for. Unfortunately you need patience for everything. You need to be patient about your goals, you need to be patient about your healing, you need to be patient when your waiting in line to get that Chicken bake from Greggs when your damn starving & the queue is a mile long because it's lunch time *breathes in*...you need to wait for everything ! but my notion is that anything that's worth it takes time, so as long as your not wasting your time on something or someone who's not worth it then you're good to go.
It's really important that as people we spend our time properly, time is precious & we don't have a lot of it, so we need to spend it on the right things especially since most of the things we wait for are out of our hands...I mean... we can't exactly speed up our success so that we suddenly get what we want faster ? we can't exactly fast forward time so that that right person walks into our life before we're ready can we ? & more importantly we can't make people that are slow do what we want ; what we need to do in that time of patience is we need to invest.
For example, a lot of people get really impatient when it comes to gettin' married or being with someone, they don't wanna wait to find that right person so they jump ahead of themselves & then they end up settling or being with someone that aint right for them when if they had just waited a little longer the right person would've come their way. Hell singleness is a blessing, in the time when you're single and you're waitin' on that time of singleness to come to an end you need to be patient & invest that time in yourself. Grow as a person, learn more things about yourself, do the things you've always wanted to do & do the necessary to achieve your goals, really spend time on yourself & more importantly recognize what you want out of the next relationship to come so you don't end up wasting your time.
Even in things like makin' money, I know a lot of dudes who get impatient and then go about it in the wrong way, what's wrong with waiting & then strategizing properly ? If you have dreams invest properly in your time so it's easier for you to reach them, for example don't sit there and be like " I wanna play basketball professionally" yet you're sittin' at home on your ass all day, not making attempts to train or join a team or anything that's necessary for you to get there then start complaining when the dream aint happening...you're just wasting your time & more importantly my time because I'm sitting there having to listen to you complain when I could be doing something ELSE.
Patience is something we all have to deal with, and it does get hard let me not lie, especially since I lack so much of it, but it takes time. Biggest time waster is people who'll ask me for advice, I give it to them [ after hours of listening to their life story & then spending another 30mins to give them the solution ], then 5mins later they go and do the OPPOSITE of what I said then come back later to complain about the situation, I get so pissed off & 99% of the time I give up, but I guess if everyone was like me then everyone would be givin' up on everybody.
The essense of this blog is just a reminder to me & I guess anyone else who's readin this that there's nothing wrong with a lil' patience, just make sure you're investing your time properly.
Patience won't grow unless there is a situation to promote it's growth...often time i have heard people request more patience but then they great this illusion that everything will be easier, but they have no idea what they're asking for lol. Another word for patience= ENDURANCE
Lol exactly.
I've noticed that when I pray for patience, a situation usually comes to test that patience & then I have to endure more than ever...it's not about a quick and easy fix and being able to just "deal" it's about enduring until the situation has passed.
Thanks again for your input xoxo
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