Sunday, 5 July 2009


I watched "My Sister's Keeper" tonight.
All I can say is...the movie made me leak from my eye's SEVERAL times...some parts were so unbelievably beautifully sad...but it's another movie I recommend to people to watch. It really makes you value life as well as realize just what it's like to be completely helpless to the situations around you... the girl who had cancer was so so beautiful, I just wanted to hug her...n she was an amazing actress.
Apparently though, like all movies that come from books they left out some vital bits, RUINED some vital bits & completely twisted up the ending...I'm gonna go buy the book anyway to see, apparently the book just makes you forget about life bravz as in it's SO sad, so I'm gonna get it as well as a couple other Jodi Piccult books.
Another book I'm lookin to buy is "The time travellor's wife"...the trailer for the movie looks breath I know the book is definately gonna be better so...I'm on it :o)
Also, I'm gonna see "Adam" aswell, the trailer man eesh <3

There's a lot I've got planned for this summer, learning to play the guitar is one of them.
So I have a new guitar that I fell in love with the other day, his name is Jub jub, I'm gonna post pics of my baby soon :o). So you know how I love with acoustics right ? This girl "Priscilla Renea" with her amazingness in her music just helped me come to a decision about the question that has been roaming in my mind for the past couple of months..."Should I learn to play the guitar ?"...the answer was of course yez.
I'm also as you know learning to play the piano & read music...I'll be a one woman band before you know it :o). I haven't done any writing lately though, which worries me...I planned as soon as I got out of college to start fillin up all my lil notebooks but they've remained untouched because I've been runnin around so much, looks like I'm gonna have to start making more time for myself to do so.
I've also joined a vocal workshop *Claps for myself* run by "the mable project".I'm excited about this because judging by the first session I went to it looks really promising, I'm also as well as learning stuff Hope has already taught me I'm picking up on new I can't drink cold water anymore or eat any harsh foods before I sing...also no greasy food allowed :o( but I don't think I can hack that...I'm goin to New York on wednesday man & BURGER KING is on the agenda...oouh that halapino(sp) sauce...*drools*...but yeah..the workshop is lookin quite live-o's !
I plan on gettin a job & learnin how to drive my summer is lookin pretty full thankfully...I have God to thank for all of this of course, all appreciation belongs to him.
A lot of things in my life are good ways and bad...some are confusing, some were the inevitable, some I'm really glad are happening & some I'd rather they weren't happening...but all things work together right ? From the place I was at mentally before, I know for a damn fact I'm movin up...& it's always worth gettin that extra kick, to be able to touch on your dreams.
